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Exhibition - Bookspace:
And the Livin' is Easy
03-07-2015 - 22-08-2015
Groepstentoonstelling met werk van : Karin Arink, Marjolijn van den Assem, Desiree de Baar, Rolf Engelen, Robin Kolleman, Tomas Schats, Marenne Terlingen, Hendri van der Putten, Per Abramsen, Lisa Gliederpuppe, Nicoline van Harskamp, Hatice Guleryuz, Hajnal Németh en Jan Eric Visser
Group exhibition
Previous exhibitions - Bookspace:

Boeken van tentoongestelde kunstenaars of uitgeverijen van kunstboeken

Books of exposing artists or publishers of art books

Etalage II (2017)
Etalage I (2016)
Up Memory Lane II (2016)
Master Fine Art Piet Zwart Institute Graduate Exhibition (2016)
Up Memory Lane Part I (2016)
Pushing Boundaries Expanding Frontiers (2016)
SuperLandEscapes (2016)
Born of Concentration (2015)
Art Streams (2015)
And the Livin' is Easy (2015)
Commitment is (not) a Word (2015)
Worlds of Nature (2015)
Identity and the Self (2015)
Small Works XV (sCULpTUUR ) (2014)
The Art of Travelling (2014)
CKOM (2014)
T.O.P. UP (2014)
Museumnacht "Sporen" (2014)
All attitudes, all the shapeliness, all the belongings (2014)
Small Works XIV (+) (2013)
Small Works XIV (2013)
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Kunstenaars elders / Artists elsewhere
latest interview:
Linda Selena Boos interviewt
Fatima Barznge en Martijn Simons
latest article:
Judith Kuipéri: De vele gezichten van Per Abramsen (1941–2018)
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3024 WX Rotterdam
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