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Artists showing works at ramfoundation
Cindy Jansen (NLD)

Today’s diverse society balances delicately between the extremes of encouragement and unacceptable behavior. And standards at the core regulate to which extent social behavior is seen as accepted or deviant. We live in a privileged time. It seems that more attention is being paid to the differences between groups of people as opposed to the factors which bring individuals together. In a society that is evolving faster than ever before, that is characterized by too many temptations, it is sometimes difficult for an individual to keep their personal reality in sight.

Made in Tokyo  ( a selection of 5 photos out of 18 photos)

A Japanese girl said: 'Why be yourself if you can be someone else'. Japanese youth easily absorb knowledge from the outside world and treat it like a fashion pattern. Commercial, popular and porn industry merge and exist parallel to more traditional assets of Japanese society.  

The photo series 'Made in Tokyo' shows how the worship of these 'junior idols' is spread through diverse layers of Japanese society. From schoolgirl, to anime, to manga, to fashion, to girls bands and porn industry.

Boys will be Boys & Girls will be Girls (video, 30 min) 

'Boys will be Boys & Girls will be Girls' is a parody on the gender-role socialization: the videos show boys that are waiting to enter a concert hall where a girls band will perform, while the other video shows girls at the same location, another day, waiting to enter the same hall, where a boys band will perform. 



Works by Cindy Jansen
Worlds of Nature (2015)
Main Room
Made in Tokyo #13
c-print op dibond, framed
Worlds of Nature (2015)
Main Room
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