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Artists showing works at ramfoundation
Naïmé Perette (NLD)

Naïmé Perrette is a French artist using a range of time based media including animation, video and installation.

For Art Streams, she shows Autarcie Tiger's II (Tiger's II Rules), a non-fiction video realised in 2014.

Six days per week, the eight fishermen of the Tiger's II work day and night at sea in the north of France. We discover the patterns of their group dynamics as we watch how they respond to the intense rhythm of the work, the distance from women and the integration of new recruits. This film goes into a male trio's intimacy, portraying the youth embarked on the boat.

Far at sea, their life on land feeds the conversations that show today's condition of a certain working-class youth. Humour, self-esteem, and feeling of belonging carry on along the cycles that structure their lives.

Tiger's II Rules depicts the motivations of young men who have chosen a life marked by hard physical constraints, and how they establish their sense of empowerment in their isolated context.

Works by Naïmé Perette
Born of Concentration (2015)
Talent Room
Autarcie Tiger's II - 2014
HD Video - 37 min 47 sec
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